Turn Lawn Issues Into Profits Adding Aeration and Dethatching Services to Your Programs. Thatch Control is the #1 Service Homeowners are Begging For! 

Dear Lawn Care Business Owner,

If you're like most lawn care professionals, you got into this business because you love the satisfaction of transforming lackluster yards into lush, green showpieces.

You take pride in your work and love seeing the smile on a customer's face when they look out over a freshly manicured lawn.

But lately, you've noticed your profits aren't growing as fast as the grass you cut or fertilize. Competition is fierce, and it's getting harder to stand out from the dozen other mowing crews on every block.

That's why I'm excited to share a game-changing opportunity with you today - a simple way to add high-profit services your customers are hungry for... without needing to hire an army of new employees or invest in a ton of expensive equipment. Without needing a commercial applicators license.

By learning the insider secrets to delivering top notch aeration, dethatching, power raking and verticutting services, you instantly differentiate yourself in your market.

You become the go-to company that offers in-demand services most of your competitors don't. And you make your customers fall in love with you as their lawns become visibly healthier and more vibrant.

Become a thatch-busting superhero: Use the power of aeration and dethatching to boost your lawn care revenue and customer satisfaction.

But it gets even better. You can also easily bundle these services with your core fertilization-weed control/mowing/maintenance programs to create premium packages that command higher prices. And you can use them to pull in streams of brand-new customers like clockwork, even in the off-season.

Now keep doing that repeatedly and watch your annual revenue soar by $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 or more. All while delivering services your customers desperately want, that make their lawns the envy of the neighborhood.

There are surefire signs those homeowners desperately need your aeration and dethatching services. Services they don't even know exist and that you can charge premium prices for, but deliver at surprisingly low costs when you follow my proven system.

And now for the first time ever, I'm revealing my entire blueprint for selling and delivering high-profit aeration, dethatching and associated services.

Boost Your Profits with Aeration Services

The Secret to Perfect Timing for Aeration

And inside, you'll learn:

  • How to boost your profits with aeration services - even if your employees hate doing them. The secret is choosing the right equipment.

  •    The amazing liquid aeration solution that eliminates the need for mechanical aeration. Your techs can apply it during regular weed control visits.

  • Liquid aeration is a game-changer for lawn care companies. It's easy to apply and provides incredible results. Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary solution.

  • The hidden threat lurking in many lawns. Thick thatch provides the perfect hiding place for pests and disease.

I'll walk you through everything you need to know, including:

  • Core aeration in autumn - right? Wrong! It should be done in both spring and fall for cool-season grasses, and in June for warm-season grasses.

  • Knowing when to aerate is crucial for achieving the best results. This course reveals the optimal timing for both cool-season and warm-season grasses.

Proven Strategies to Sell Aeration Services

  • Do you struggle to sell aeration? This course reveals
    proven strategies to get customers to happily buy this service year after year.

  • Imagine having a steady stream of customers eagerly signing
    up for aeration services. With the strategies taught in this course, that dream
    can become a reality.

The Win-Win-Win of Aerating and Dethatching

  • Why aerating and dethatching are a win-win-win. Healthier lawns, happier customers, and soaring profits for you!


  • Aerating and dethatching aren't just good for lawns - they're great for your business too. Learn how to make these services a profitable part of your offerings.


  • The hidden cause of most lawn problems - thatch buildup. Here's how to convince customers they need dethatching.


  • The danger of thick thatch. It harbors pests and disease, and prevents water and nutrients from reaching the roots.

Skyrocket Your Sales by Bundling Aeration with Other Services

  • Breakthrough course teaches you to bundle aeration with other services. Skyrocket your sales with this one technique!

  • Bundling services is a proven way to increase revenue. This course shows you how to successfully pair aeration with other offerings for maximum profitability.

  • The one-two punch of aeration and overseeding. Time it right and you'll get the thickest, lushest lawn on the block.

  • Aeration and overseeding go together like peanut butter and jelly. Master the timing and technique, and your customers will have the envy-worthy lawns they've always dreamed of.

Core Aeration – Dethatching, Power Raking, Verticutting: What You Need to Know

  • The popular misconception about power raking. Why core aeration is actually more beneficial in most cases.

  • The invisible "suffocation" happening in lawns
    with thick thatch. Lack of oxygen in the root zone is a silent killer.

  • The type of aerator tines that pull out the best plugs.
    Hint: they need to be at least this long.

  • Why aeration is the unsung hero of lawn care. It improves
    nutrient uptake, relieves compaction, and controls thatch - all in one step.

  • Aeration does so much more than most people realize. This
    course reveals why it's the secret weapon of successful lawn care companies.

  • The most overlooked factor in preventing thatch - soil pH.
    Here's the ideal range to encourage microbe activity.

Liquid Natural Solutions for Thatch Decomposition

  • Better than mechanical dethatching! This liquid solution
    uses enzymes and bacteria to decompose thatch naturally.

  • Say goodbye to labor-intensive dethatching and hello to an
    eco-friendly solution. Liquid dethatcher use the power of nature to break down
    thatch quickly and effectively.

  • The "brain power" behind liquid lawn dethatch.
    Billions of beneficial bacteria eating away at the thatch layer 24/7.

  • Liquid dethatcher are like hiring an army of microscopic
    thatch-eating machines. Put them to work in your customers' lawns and watch the
    thatch disappear before your eyes!

  • Liquid aeration - the lazy lawn care company's secret
    weapon. Applying it is as easy as spraying for weeds. Same profit – no labor!

  • The amazing "thatch eating" microbes in liquid
    dethatcher and soil conditioner. They stay active long after application,
    providing ongoing benefits.

  • The sneaky way thatch "tricks" grass into
    thinking it's healthy. Shallow roots in thatch are a ticking time bomb.

  • The "cardio workout" every lawn needs. Aeration
    opens up the soil, allowing critical air and water to circulate.

Management Practices Do’s and Don’ts

  • Thatch building up faster than it breaks down. The culprit
    is usually poor management practices. Here's what to change.

  • Early warning signs that a lawn needs dethatching. If you
    see more than two of these, it's time for action.

  • Catch thatch buildup early by knowing what to look for. This
    course teaches you the telltale signs that a lawn is in desperate need of

  • The right way to deal with aeration cores. Whatever you
    do, DON'T just leave them on the lawn!

  • Why most lawns have thatch issues. Modern grasses and
    overfertilization are the primary culprits.

  • The surprising factor that determines how fast thatch
    breaks down. Understanding this is key to proper lawn management.

  • Why you should NEVER let the thatch layer exceed 1/2 inch.
    Waiting longer makes the problem much harder to fix.

  • How to use aeration cores as a diagnostic tool. The length
    of the cores tells you a lot about the lawn's health.

  • Solid tine or core aeration - which is right for your
    business? The surprising pros and cons of each method.

  • The best time to power rake cool-season grasses. Hint:
    it's NOT the same as the best time to aerate.

  • Verticutting (Vertical mowing) - the forgotten art of
    thatch control. Why this technique needs a comeback in the lawn care industry.

The Secret to Profitable Aeration Services

  • The secret to making aeration services profitable. It's all about choosing equipment your techs will enjoy using.

  • The best kept secret of the most profitable lawn care companies. They all offer multiple aeration and dethatching services.

  • Why your customers need to get "hooked" on aeration. It provides visible results they can't get any other way.

  • Aeration provides dramatic, visible results that will keep customers coming back year after year. Learn how to get them "hooked" on this essential service.

  • The most overlooked factor in preventing thatch - soil pH. Here's the ideal range to encourage microbe activity.

  • Hear about a company that went from 68 to 300 aeration jobs a year! The equipment change that transformed this Texas company.

  • The secret to making aeration a "gateway service" for your lawn care company. It leads naturally to overseeding, topdressing and more.

  • The one-two punch of aeration and overseeding. Time it right and you'll get the thickest, lushest lawn on the block.

  • Aeration and overseeding go together like peanut butter and jelly. Master the timing and technique, and your customers will have the envy-worthy lawns they've always dreamed of.


Bonus 1. Calibration Lesson

Calibration of your sprayers and spreaders can help you save money by eliminating waste, reduce all backs,and minimize damage,

Bonus 2. Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling has to be done right or the results will not be accurate. You can offer every customer soil testing and start taking soil samples right way. Soil samples lead to pH adjust ment services for increased profits.

Bonus 3. Turfgrass ID Quick Review Lesson

Video Lesson. Review to help you be able to ID turfgrass quickly. Review of grass types and details of common types of turf.

Here's What To Do Next

So what do I do?

What is it worth to you to have a proven blueprint for rapidly scaling your lawn care business with
high-profit, in-demand services?

Services that your customers will happily pay top dollar for, but cost you very little to deliver?


What is it worth to finally stop leaving huge sums of money on the table because you lacked the knowledge to tap into these revenue goldmines?

What is it worth to become THE dominant, go-to lawn care provider in your local market by offering valuable services most of your competitors are too lazy or clueless to provide?

The cost of this game-changing course on adding highly profitable aeration and dethatching services to your business is a one-time investment of just $47.

You'll get lifetime access to over 3 hours of detailed lessons, bonus materials on soil testing and equipment calibration, and a quick reference guide to turfgrass identification.

"I know $47 might seem like a lot to spend on a course, but let me put that in perspective for you. How much do you typically charge for a single aeration job? $120? $180? Even on the low end, that's more than triple what you'd be investing in this training.

When you consider all the additional revenue and profits you'll generate by successfully adding aeration, dethatching, and other thatch control services to your offerings, that $47 is going to look like pocket change. This course is going to pay for itself over and over again.

I'm only charging $47 because I want to empower as many lawn care businesses as possible with this information.

Based on my experience working with companies across the US, I've seen that offering aeration and dethatching is one of the fastest and easiest ways to boost revenue, often while reducing labor.

As a special bonus, I'm also including lessons on soil testing and equipment calibration, which pair perfectly with aeration and dethatching to provide even more value to your customers. Armed with this course, you'll be the local lawn care expert, not just a guy who mows grass or throws fertilizer.

I'm giving you my best tips and tricks for using liquid aeration and dethatching products to boost your profits even more.

These products allow you to deliver great results in situations where mechanical aeration isn't practical. You can easily add them to your existing round of treatments for an extra revenue bump with minimal extra labor.

On top of the core lessons and liquid aeration/dethatching, you're getting bonus trainings on soil testing, equipment calibration, and a turfgrass quick reference guide. These extras will position you as the go-to lawn care expert in your market.

This is the most affordable and complete program you'll find on mastering aeration and dethatching services. I've priced it so every lawn care company can access this information and start reaping the benefits immediately.

There's no reason not to add this profit center to your lawn care operation. Customers want these services. Providing them will set you apart from the competition. And the margins are phenomenal compared to basic mowing. Let me help you get started today.

Yes, you could try to figure this out through trial and error. But why waste time and money when I'm handing you a proven blueprint?

I've helped businesses all over the country implement these services, and I've distilled my best insights into this course. Take advantage of my experience and shortcut your path to higher profits.

But listen, there's no pressure. Lawn care businesses who are content to be average won't see the value here. And that's okay. This course is for the go-getters, the ones who are always looking for an edge over the competition and a way to make their business more profitable and less

Remember, there's absolutely no risk. You're covered by a 30-day moneyback guarantee. So you have nothing to lose, except the chance to serve your customers better and make a heck of a lot more money in the process.


But let's consider the worst-case scenario here. Even if for some reason this course doesn't end up being a perfect fit for your business, what's the harm?

You're only out $47. That's hardly going to break the bank, is it? You could recoup that in a single aeration job. So the downside risk is practically non-existent.

On the flip side, just imagine the upside potential. What if this course really does give you the knowledge and tools to successfully add highly profitable aeration, dethatching, and related services?

We're talking about the chance to generate thousands of dollars in new revenue - maybe even
enough to pay for a major equipment upgrade or two. The best-case scenario is truly transformative for your business.


And let's be honest, with a 30-day money back guarantee, you're not even taking on that minor $47 risk.

You can try out the course, implement what you learn, and if it doesn't work for you, you can get a full refund. So what's holding you back? The potential rewards far outweigh any perceived risks. Let's get you enrolled and watch those first lessons today."

Click the enroll button and let's get started right now!

An Ironclad Guarantee!

30-DAY NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I guarantee that you’ll find this to be incredibly valuable. If you don’t, simply let me and my team know with a quick email, and I’ll send your money questions asked. This guarantee is good for 30 days from the date of purchase. So, try it now or try it 30 days from now, and if you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let my team know and I’ll send your money back.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Course And Make Higher Profits Now

If you're not offering aeration and dethatching services in your lawn care business, you're leaving serious money on the table.

These are services that customers NEED on a regular basis and are happy to pay top dollar for. In fact, most homeowners have no idea how to do these services properly themselves. And your competitors?

They're likely using the wrong equipment and techniques too, often doing more harm than good.   That's where you come in.  

By learning the insider secrets to delivering top notch aeration, dethatching, power raking and verticutting services, you instantly differentiate yourself in your market.

You become the go-to company that offers in-demand services most of your competitors don't. And you make your customers fall in love with you as their lawns become visibly healthier and more vibrant.  

But it gets even better. ..

You can also easily bundle these services with your core mowing/maintenance programs to create premium packages that command higher prices.

And you can use them to pull in streams of brand new customers like clockwork, even in the off-season. Imagine blasting out a targeted postcard or email to a affluent subdivisions, offering them a special deal on aeration and power raking to get their lawns looking their best for the spring.

You book 10, 20, 30+ new customers in a matter of days and pocket $400 to $1000+ for a single day's work.   Now keep doing that over and over again and watch your annual revenue soar. All while delivering services your customers desperately want, that make their lawns the envy of the neighborhood.

Still not convinced how big of an opportunity this is for your business? Then ask yourself this:

Have you driven through an upscale neighborhood lately and seen almost every lawn sporting unsightly bare patches and an unhealthy brown tint, instead of lush green grass?

Have you been hired to treat a lawn disease or insect infestation, only to discover the REAL underlying cause was compacted soil and heavy thatch buildup?

These are surefire signs those homeowners desperately need your aeration and dethatching services.

Services they don't even know exist and that you can charge premium prices for, but deliver at surprisingly low costs when you follow my proven system.

I've helped a lot of lawn care entrepreneurs just like you to add multiple six-figures to their annual revenue, while reclaiming their time and freedom in the process.  

I hope you will get started with these high profit services today!

Thank you for hanging in and reading this letter. I wish you and your business all the best.

Diane Dunn

Lawn Care Campus

P.S. Don't miss out on this opportunity to skyrocket your lawn care profits this year! For a limited time, you can get lifetime access to my complete system for adding highly profitable aeration, dethatching, power raking and verticutting services for just $47.

That's a steal considering this course will pay for itself with a single job.

Imagine being able to offer the services your customers are desperately seeking, while watching your profits soar.

You'll learn how to easily bundle these high-margin services with your existing offerings, generate a steady stream of new customers, and become the go-to lawn care expert in your area.

Plus, you'll get bonus lessons on soil testing and equipment calibration, a quick reference guide to turfgrass identification, and my proven strategies for selling these services like a pro. And with my 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, there's no risk to enroll now and start tapping into these hidden profits.

But don't wait - this special $47 price is only available for a short time.

Invest in your success today and join the ranks of lawn care entrepreneurs who are adding 6-figures to their revenue while working less.

Click the button below to enroll now and start your journey to lawn care business mastery!


The sales figures stated above are our internal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION. This site or product is not part of or endorsed by Facebook, Google, or any social media platform in any way.  FACEBOOK is a trademark of META PLATFORMS, Inc. YOUTUBE and GOOGLE are trademarks of ALPHABET, Inc. Absolutely nothing on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim for what you will earn simply by joining. This is an ONLINE TRAINING COURSE intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS and ADVERTISERS learn how to get more customers for their products. It is NOT a “business opportunity” or “get rich quick” opportunity. The testimonials, figures, and screenshots on this page are real but they are displaying exceptional results from our best customers. These results are not typical. They are not intended to guarantee, promise or represent that you will get the same result just by signing up. This will require work and you will be the ultimate person responsible for taking action and making sure you get the results that you want.

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