Transform Your Green Industry Business into a Thriving, Full-Service Lawn Care Company 

Dear Lawn Care Business Owner,

Are you sick and tired of working yourself to the bone with physically demanding, mowing or maintenance services that have you running ragged from sunup to sundown?

If you're fed up with feeling more like a minimum wage landscaper than the owner of a thriving business, I have good news...

There's a better way to boost your revenue and free yourself from the backbreaking labor of mowing or maintenance. A way to add thousands of dollars in high-margin income to your bottom line - without hiring an army of new employees. And that "better way" is offering fertilization and weed control services to your customers.

When set up properly, fertilization and weed services allow you to spend less time on each property, while making MORE money than mowing services. All because you're delivering a high-value, specialized service that customers are happy to pay premium prices for.

But here's the thing...

Fertilization and weed control is a science. And if you don't know what you're doing, you can end up spending all day re-treating properties, dealing with callbacks, and basically wiping out your profits.

The fastest way to become an expert (without years of trial and error) is to learn from someone who has already made all the mistakes and can show you the right way to do things. This program was created by a long-time lawn care coach and consultant for a national franchise. Successful businesses of all sizes follow the same successful procedures and those are passed on to you.

Inside this program, you'll discover the proven systems, strategies products, and schedules I've coached business owners to use through the years. Products and schedules to deliver hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of fertilization and weed services over the last 20 years.

Whether you're a brand-new business looking to get a jump start in fertilization and weed services. Or an established company who wants to tighten up your systems to maximize profits. This course will show you the way.


How to Add Highly Profitable Fertilization and Weed Control Services to Your Lawn Care Business"  

Because fertilization and weed control services are:

Far more profitable than just mowing

Highly in demand by nearly all homeowners

Easy to add as an upsell to your current customers

Repeatable services you can charge for multiple times per year

Much easier than mowing with less labor required

Unfortunately, most lawn care businesses never get into fertilization and weed control. They think it's too complicated, too hard to learn, or requires special licensing and expensive equipment.

So they stick to mowing lawns for low profits and never experience the revenue explosion that's possible with these services.

But here's the truth - any lawn care business can quickly learn to offer these valuable services...and it's a lot easier than you might think!

That's where our Fertilization and Weed Control course comes in.

We've put together a complete A-Z program that will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know to successfully add these profit-boosting services to your business.

Skyrocket Your Lawn Care Profits with This Proven Fertilization and Weed Control System

 And inside, you'll learn:

How to take proper measurements and perform soil tests to prescribe the perfect fertilization and weed control treatments

Which products to use and how/when to apply them for maximum effectiveness (we make specific product and schedule recommendations)

Identification and control methods for all major types of weeds - including broadleaf, grassy weeds and sedges

Proper equipment selection, calibration, and use for professional results

How to price and package your services for maximum profit (including profitable upsells) Insider tips for sourcing chemicals at the lowest prices so you can maximize your margins

...and much more!

The Fast Track to Becoming the In-Demand Lawn Care Pro in Your Market

I'll walk you through everything you need to know, including:

  • How to change your life by adding fertilization and weed control services to your mowing business. The secret is these services are easier, require fewer employees, and generate higher profits!

  • Considering starting a fertilization and weed control business? This course is your chance to learn it the right way from an industry expert who's worked with businesses of all sizes across the U.S.

  • Why "winging it" with fertilization and weed control will cost you customers. Learn proven, professional techniques to get great results that make you the neighborhood lawn expert.

Reduce Callbacks and Boost Your Bottom Line

  • Are your callback rates over 4%? This course reveals the right products, timing, and rates to minimize callbacks that eat into your profits and customer loyalty.

  • Struggling with grassy and broadleaf weeds that won't die after spraying? Discover the professional grade weed control mixes, schedules, and pH adjustments that make your treatments more effective.

Stop Wasting Money on the Wrong Products and Equipment

  • Make smart purchasing decisions that set you up for long-term success. This course shows you how to get the results you want while keeping costs under control.

  • The popular granular and liquid fertilizer products that can cost you more in the long run. This course uncovers smart ways to save money while still getting great results.

  • The danger of buying expensive equipment before your business is ready. Learn savvy strategies to acquire what you need without burdening your growth.

Master Weed Identification and Control

  • Broadleaf, grassy, or sedge - how to identify and control the specific weeds growing in your region. Includes professional weed control schedules and photo guide to help you ace your applicator's exam!

  • How to boost the effectiveness of your weed control by adjusting one simple thing. The secret is fine-tuning your spray mix pH.

Offer the Fertilization Schedule Your Customers Want Most

  • Become your customers' lawn care hero by giving their grass exactly what it needs to thrive. This course removes the guesswork so you can deliver amazing results.

  • Why make costly rookie mistakes when you can learn from a pro? This course fast-tracks your success.

  • Why taking soil samples is crucial before applying fertilizer. Testing prevents wasted product and reveals upsell opportunities to maximize profit per customer.

  • The type of fertilization schedule that can give you a competitive edge. Confidently offer the service your customers want most and become their lawn care hero.

Ace Your Applicator's Exam and Grow Your Business

  • With this lesson and several handouts and test guides, you'll be more prepared to pass your licensing exam and take your business to the next level.

  • How to pass your lawn care applicator's license test the first time. This course's identification guides, and practice quizzes set you up for success.

  • The best times to apply fertilizer and weed control products for maximum effectiveness. Timing is everything!

Deliver Results That Sell Themselves

  • The little-known connection between soil composition and weed growth. Understanding this link is key to delivering effective weed control all season long.

  • Do you struggle to control crabgrass, dandelions or nutsedge? This course reveals the professional-grade herbicides that knock out these tough weeds fast.

  • How to dramatically reduce weed callback rates, even if you're new to lawn care. The secret is learning the right products, rates and timing for your region.

  • The most common weed control mistakes that cost new businesses money. This course helps you avoid these pitfalls and start turning a profit faster.

  • Why you don't need an agriculture degree to become a lawn care expert. This course gives you the essential skills without the stuff

Expand Your Service Offerings for Even More Revenue

  • Why relying on generic weed control products is a massive money saver. Invest in the right generic products now and reap the rewards all season.

  • The #1 way to ensure accurate, profitable fertilizer applications every time. Mastering this simple skill will pay off for years to come.Here's some stuff

Spot Trouble Early and Keep Customers Happy

  • Catch and solve problems proactively to avoid costly callbacks and frustrated clients. You'll learn the warning signs to watch for.

  • Early warning signs that your current weed control approach isn't working. Spot these red flags and perform course corrections before you lose customers.

  • Why letting weeds go to seed on a customer's lawn is a massive disservice. This course teaches you how to stop weed spread in its tracks.

  • The surprising reason lawns can stay weedy even after treatment. Learn to recognize and solve this frustrating issue for your customers.

And More.....

  • Confidently charge what you're worth and enjoy a loyal customer base that's happy to pay for exceptional results.

  • How to confidently raise your prices and keep your customers happy. The secret is delivering the exceptional results this course teaches you. Don't hamstring your growth with inferior equipment. Learn which professional tools are worth the investment.

  • Why going cheap on spreaders and sprayers will cost you in the long run. This course helps you invest in the right tools from the start.

  • Conquer Every Weed That Comes Your Way From notorious grassy invaders to stubborn broadleaf weeds, you'll be prepared to handle any weed challenge. Why make costly rookie mistakes when you can learn from a pro?

  • Why some grassy weeds seem impossible to control. Learn to identify and conquer troublesome species like Poa annua, quackgrass and dallisgrass. Educate Your Customers and Watch Your Revenue Grow Help your customers understand the value of professional fertilization and weed control. When they see you as a trusted expert, upsells become easy.

  • How to upsell fertilization and weed control services without feeling pushy. The key is educating your customers, so they see the value.

  • Why spot-treating weeds isn't enough for most lawns. Discover the professional approach to long-term weed control and prevention.


Bonus 1. Calibration Lesson

Calibration of your sprayers and spreaders can help you save money by eliminating waste, reduce all backs,and minimize damage,

Bonus 2. Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling has to be done right or the results will not be accurate. You can offer every customer soil testing and start taking soil samples right way. Soil samples lead to pH adjust ment services for increased profits.

Bonus 3. Passing Your Applicators Test

Having your Applicators License is key to your business. This lesson will help guide you to passing the test. If you have employees you can us this video to help them with their test.

Bonus 4. 3 Ebooks for Entrepeneur/Manger Mindset

Whether you are a solo owner or have several employees, it is important to have tips and tricks for motivation.  You will find a lot of helpful information in the Bulletproof Motivation ebook.  

Starting a new business or adding new services can be scary.  You might find yourself avoiding customers because you don't want them to ask you questions you don't know the answers to.  The ebook Overcome Imposter Syndrome will help you have confidence in yourself and remember that you are worthy of being successful and receiving money for your services. 

In 1 % Better ebook you will learn: How Kaizen got started and how it works.

• The 5S of Kaizen

• The balance between Kaizen and Kaikaku

• How to use the “one minute rule”

• How to use microworkouts

• The power of “tiny habits”

• The neuroscience of effective change

• How to correctly write goals

Here's What To Do Next

Here's What To Do Next :

The "cost" of this Fertilization and Weed Control Course is only $47, and you get instant access to all the lessons and bonuses as soon as you enroll.

Why only $47? Well, the information in this course is easily worth 10 times that amount.

Learning how to properly perform fertilization and weed control services can literally transform your lawn care business and skyrocket your profits. But I wanted to make this training affordable for any lawn care business owner serious about growing their business the right way.

Consider it my way of "paying it forward" to help you achieve the kind of success I've been fortunate to experience. Plus, the profits from just 2-3 lawn fertilization jobs will more than cover your investment in this course.

You can make your money back almost immediately by implementing what you learn.

Here's exactly what you get:

• 18 FWC online video lessons with over 4 hours of in-depth training

• 3 bonus video lessons on key topics like calibration, soil sampling, and passing your applicator's test

• 3 e-books on the Manager Mindset to help you think like a successful business owner

• 11 professional weed control schedules you can start using in your business right away

• A field guide for quick turfgrass and weed identification

• A cost tracking spreadsheet to monitor your expenses and profits

• Example yearly application schedules for every turf type

• and much more...

After you enroll, you'll get instant access to the entire course. You can go through the material at your own pace and refer back to it whenever you need.

Use the videos to train your employees too.

I'm so confident this course will help you grow a more profitable lawn care business, that I'm offering a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you don't feel you learned anything useful, just let me know within 30 days and I'll refund every penny, no questions asked.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind: This Is A Limited Time Offer I'm offering this course at the introductory price of $47 for a limited time. Soon, I'll be adding group coaching and a private community, and the price will increase significantly. Everyone that purchases courses, books, coaching, or other product through this website will be invited to join the community.

If you want to take your lawn care business to the next level and maximize your profits with fertilization and weed control services, NOW is the time to enroll in this course before the price goes up.

Simply click the button below to get started. It will be one of the best investments you make in your business this year.

An Ironclad Guarantee!

30-DAY NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I guarantee that you’ll find this to be incredibly valuable. If you don’t, simply let me and my team know with a quick email, and I’ll send your money questions asked. This guarantee is good for 30 days from the date of purchase. So, try it now or try it 30 days from now, and if you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let my team know and I’ll send your money back.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Course And Make Higher Profits Now

You're going to learn how to properly identify and control weeds, optimize your fertilization program, and ultimately provide a healthier, more beautiful lawn for your customers. Not to mention, you'll get all these great resources and tools to streamline your operations.  

But I'll admit, there are a few potential cons to consider as well. This course does require a time commitment to work through the materials, and there are legal and safety considerations when it comes to applying chemicals. However, I firmly believe that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, and the skills you'll gain will pay off exponentially for your business in the long run.

So, what do you think - are you ready to take your lawn care services to the next level?   What If I Don't Have Time?  

Think about it - how much are you currently losing in callbacks and dissatisfied customers due to ineffective treatments? By making a small investment in this training, you'll gain the knowledge and tools to minimize those losses and maximize your efficiency.  

You'll be able to provide a higher-quality service, reduce customer complaints, and ultimately grow your business in a sustainable way.

Does that help address your concern about the value of this course?

I'm confident that once you dive in, you'll see a significant return on your investment.  

Let me put this into perspective for you. Think about it this way - that $47 is less than the cost of one lawn treatment for a typical customer.

But what you'll learn in this course will allow you to provide consistently better results, avoid costly callbacks, and ultimately earn more profit from each and every lawn you service. It's a small price to pay for the knowledge and tools that will transform your business.

So, I have to ask - which is more valuable to you? Spending $47 to gain the expertise and resources to run a more efficient, profitable lawn care operation, or saving that money and risking continued struggles with ineffective treatments, unhappy customers, and missed revenue opportunities?

The choice seems clear to me.  

Compare that to the alternative - continuing to struggle with ineffective treatments, losing money on callbacks, and missing out on opportunities to upsell your services. That's all it takes to gain the knowledge and tools to transform your lawn care business.  

Compare the price to what you'd spend on a full day's worth of treatments - the fertilizers, the weed control products, the equipment maintenance - and suddenly $47 seems like a drop in the bucket.  

I can guarantee you, the insights and strategies you'll learn in this course will pay dividends for years to come, far beyond the cost of a dinner out.

The choice seems clear to me.  

What's the Worst That Could Happen?

If you haven't already enrolled, I can only imagine it's because you're worried about making the wrong decision. And you know what?

Maybe you are. But what if you're not?

Let's get real for a minute. Let's say you get this course, and you absolutely hate it - that's the worst-case scenario. Even then, what's the harm? You just send it back, get a refund, and it's like it never happened. That's about as bad as it gets.  

But what if this course works? What if the strategies and insights you gain transform your lawn care business?

I know you're still here, so I must believe your gut is telling you this is exactly what you need. In just a few weeks, you could see better results, happier customers, and fatter profits.

The best-case scenario is life changing. And really, the worst that can happen is you get your money back.

But the best? The best is you taking your business to new heights. So, what do you say - are you ready to invest in your future success?

Thank you for hanging in and reading this letter. I wish you and your business all the best.

Diane Dunn

Lawn Care Campus

Let's be real - you're still reading this because you KNOW your lawn care business has untapped profit potential.

You wouldn't have made it this far if you were content with mediocre results and meager margins. So let me ask you directly: are you really going to pass up this opportunity to skyrocket your revenue with high-profit fertilization and weed control services?

Think about it - for less than the cost of a single lawn treatment, you'll get my PROVEN system for delivering exceptional results that keep clients loyal and begging for more.

I'm handing you the exact roadmap I used to build a thriving, full-service lawn care empire...all you have to do is follow in my footsteps.   But here's the thing - I can't keep this introductory $47 price around forever.

Once I add in the group coaching and private community, the cost WILL go up significantly. So if you're serious about ditching the back-breaking labor and razor-thin margins of mowing...if you're ready to work smarter, not harder...then NOW is the time to act.  

But if you're still hesitating, just know this: every day you delay is another day you're leaving money on the table. Another day of lost profits, wasted time, and missed opportunities to become THE go-to lawn care expert in your market.

So make the smart choice - the ONLY choice for ambitious lawn care entrepreneurs like yourself. Click the button below, enroll in the Fertilization and Weed Control Course, and start your journey to a more profitable, rewarding business TODAY. Your future self will thank you.


The sales figures stated above are our internal sales figures. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION. This site or product is not part of or endorsed by Facebook, Google, or any social media platform in any way.  FACEBOOK is a trademark of META PLATFORMS, Inc. YOUTUBE and GOOGLE are trademarks of ALPHABET, Inc. Absolutely nothing on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim for what you will earn simply by joining. This is an ONLINE TRAINING COURSE intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS and ADVERTISERS learn how to get more customers for their products. It is NOT a “business opportunity” or “get rich quick” opportunity. The testimonials, figures, and screenshots on this page are real but they are displaying exceptional results from our best customers. These results are not typical. They are not intended to guarantee, promise or represent that you will get the same result just by signing up. This will require work and you will be the ultimate person responsible for taking action and making sure you get the results that you want.

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